OpenCities Map CONNECT Edition Help

Specifying Point, Linear and Polygon Features

VRT files can specify point, linear or polygon features however some editing of the source data may have to be done. The coordinates are to be listed in WKT format.

For point features, set the geometry to wkbPoint.


Set the geometry field as below:

<GeometryField encoding="PointFromColumns" x="longitude" y="latitude"/>

where x is the name of the column with the X coordinate value and y is the name of the column with the Y coordinate.

For linear data, set the geometry to wkbLineString.


Set the geometry field as below:

<GeometryField encoding="WKT" field="wkt"/>

Coordinates are listed as XY pairs separated by spaces with commas separating each coordinate pair. For example:

Name, wkt 
Linestring, "LINESTRING(0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 1 0)"

For polygon data set the geometry to wkbPolygon.


Set the geometry field as:

<GeometryField encoding="WKT" field="wkt"/>

Sample input would be as below. Coordinates are listed as XY pairs separated by spaces with commas separating each coordinate pair.

Name, wkt 
Box, "POLYGON((0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 1 0))"

Further details about WKT formats can be found at: